Wedding Wednesday

This is my first Wedding Wednesday link-up and I am very excited to be participating! I figure as a soon-to-be-wed I may as well hop on the train.

As usual I am pulling from my Pinterest board (it’s hidden, otherwise I’d link you to it 🙂 ) Lately I’ve been thinking about what I actually want to WEAR – for my shower, the bachelorette and rehearsal dinner. I’ve been pinning like a mad woman all different sorts of dresses in white, ivory, lace, chiffon, etc. Yesterday I finally pulled the trigger on one off Zulily (referral link) because it was marked down to $27.99. How could I not?! I figure if I don’t like it on me I’ll donate it. But I am thinking for either my shower or rehearsal dinner. What do ya think?


Trisha Tyler dress

I would show you the millions (ok, exaggeration) of other dresses I’ve pinned but they are all pretty similar. This one was unique. Any suggestions on where to get some great shower/bach/rehearsal pieces? I love me some Rent the Runway but feel like I need a plan b for such a big event.

Keeping this post short since I am sneaking in a quick post at work – but would love to hear your thoughts! Happy Hump Day!



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